Author(s): Alfat Jolly, Ansu Siby, Bia Santhosh, Jisa Reji, Jyothish K Biju, Meable Jose, Sneha Maria Sabu, Chindu Rajan, Renjini Jose, Joseena SVM


DOI: 10.52711/jnmr.2024.04   

Address: Alfat Jolly, Ansu Siby, Bia Santhosh, Jisa Reji, Jyothish K Biju, Meable Jose, Sneha Maria Sabu1, Chindu Rajan, Renjini Jose2, Sr. Joseena SVM3
1IIIrd Year B.Sc Nursing Students, Little Lourdes College of Nursing, Kidangoor.
2Assistant Professor, Little Lourdes College of Nursing, Kidangoor.
3Principal, Little Lourdes College of Nursing, Kidangoor.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 3,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2024

A descriptive study was conducted to assess the level of knowledge regarding scrub typhus among adults at a selected community area, Kidangoor. The study was conducted in selected area of 3rd ward of Kidangoor Panchayath. The study sample consist of 30 adults. Samples are selected by using convenient sample technique. Structured knowledge questionnaire used to collect data. The result shows that among 30 samples 10(33.33%) had poor knowledge, 12(40%) had average level of knowledge and 8(26.67%) had good knowledge.

Cite this article:
Alfat Jolly, Ansu Siby, Bia Santhosh, Jisa Reji, Jyothish K Biju, Meable Jose, Sneha Maria Sabu, Chindu Rajan, Renjini Jose, Joseena SVM. A Study to Assess Knowledge regarding Scrub Typhus among adults at a selected community area, Kidangoor. A and V Pub Journal of Nursing and Medical Research 2024; 3(1):23-6. doi: 10.52711/jnmr.2024.04

Alfat Jolly, Ansu Siby, Bia Santhosh, Jisa Reji, Jyothish K Biju, Meable Jose, Sneha Maria Sabu, Chindu Rajan, Renjini Jose, Joseena SVM. A Study to Assess Knowledge regarding Scrub Typhus among adults at a selected community area, Kidangoor. A and V Pub Journal of Nursing and Medical Research 2024; 3(1):23-6. doi: 10.52711/jnmr.2024.04   Available on:

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