A Comparative Study to Assess the Emotional problems among Children of working mothers and Nonworking mothers studying in selected schools of Mehsana District
Janki Patel1, Binal Patel2
1Associate Professor, Ganpat University – Kumud and Bhupesh Institute of Nursing,
Ganpat Vidyanagar - 384012, Mehsana, Gujarat.
2Assistant Professor, Ganpat University – Kumud and Bhupesh Institute of Nursing,
Ganpat Vidyanagar - 384012, Mehsana, Gujarat.
*Corresponding Author E-mail: jankiniravpatel@gmail.com
Introduction: The childhood period is vital because of socialization process s by the transmission of attitude customs and behaviour through the influence of the family and community. Emotional problem refers to anxiety problems, depressive problems, and behavioral problems such as depressed mood, eating pattern, social problems, mental changes (difficulty thinking and concentrating), poor school grades, running away from home and aggressive behavior. Objective: To assess the emotional problems of children of working mothers, to assess the emotional problems of children of non – working mothers, to compare the emotional problems between the children of working mothers and non- working mothers. To find the association between emotional problems among children of working mothers and non-working mothers and their selected demographic variables Design: non-experimental desrciptive comparative research design was utilized for this study. 30 children of working and 30 children on non working mothers were selected by non probability convenient sampling technique. Results: Statistical analysis revealed that mean % of children of working mothers was 10.3% significantly higher than the non working mothers score 6.8% There was significant association between demographic variables, type of family, no of sibling with emotional problems of children of working mothers as the calculated value was higher than tabulated value at 0.005 level of significant. Conclusion: emotional problems are more exciting in the children of working mothers than the children of non working mothers
KEYWORDS: Children, Emotional Problems, Working Mothers, Non-Working Mothers.
-Washimgten Irving
Children are the inheritance from God. They are like clay in the potter’s hand. Handled with love and care, they become something beautiful or else they will break Children of today are the citizens of tomorrow.
The prosperity of the nation depends upon the health of its future citizens. Children with sound mind in sound body are essential for the future development of the country. Every child should have tender loving care and sense of security from parents. The mother is more responsible for the integrated development of a child. The investment on our children in terms of developing environment both physical and emotional is going to reap rich individuals in future. As said by Karl Augustus Menninger “What is done to the children, they will do to the society”. It stresses that the mother’s reaction plays an important role in molding the behavior of the child.
Different mothering styles may influence a child's behavior and inadequate attention may result in abnormal behavior in children. Sometimes such children show a wide variety of behavior which may even create problems to parents, family members and society. It may be minor but produce anxiety to the parents, which may be due to failure in adjustment to external environment.1
Children thrive when they have a secure and positive relationship with people, especially their parents. Studies have shown that early childhood is a period in which developmentally, a child is learning a lot from their surrounding and the people around them. This is the child’s window of learning which will impact their growing years. Therefore, as the main presence in a child’s life at this point, a mother’s relationship with her child is crucial. A mother plays multiple roles in a child’s development, as she is a teacher in every aspect of a child’s developmental growth – social emotional, physical, cognitive and independence.2
Mental disorders among children are described as serious changes in the way children typically learn, behave, or handle their emotions, causing distress and problems getting through the day.1 Among the more common mental disorders that can be diagnosed in childhood are attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, and behavior disorders.3
The recent studies estimated that only about 50% of the emotional problems of the children are identified by their primary physician or parents, 12-25% of all American school-age children and 13% preschoolers have emotional/behavioral disorders. The psychosocial problems increased from 6.8% to 18.7%. Attention problems showed the greatest absolute increase (1.4%- 9.2%) and emotional problems showed the increase (0.2-3.6%). The percentage of children with attention deficit/hyperactivity problems receiving medications increased from 32% to 78%. These increase in psychosocial problems were associated with increase in the proportions of single-parent families, parents get divorced, mothers’ employment and parent child relationship.4
At least 3% of school children suffer from serious emotional disturbances, such as depression, suicidal thoughts, psychosis and serious attention problems. Attention deficits and hyperactivity is the most common behavioral disorder of childhood. The prevalence of attention deficits and hyperactivity among pediatric out patients in New Delhi was 11.2%. Sarkar, Kapur and Kaliaperumal (India) reported a prevalence rate of psychological disturbance of 10-54%in school going children of the age of group 8-13 years. The psychological problems found to be in 44% of the children. Anxiety related symptoms 67%, emotional problems, particularly depression 62% and conduct problems 49% were found. A big group of the population in any city/country is that of students and the life of students is becoming more and more stressful. Family is the nuclear of all social groups because of its functional importance of the child. It is where healthy habits are learnt by the child.5
According to Tyrer and Tyrer (1974) absenteeism in the later years of schooling is predictive of depression in adult hood [4]. American Academy of Pediatrics Division of Child Health Research, the majority of pediatrician surveyed found that mothers should not work outside the home from their child’s infancy to early school age. The connection of children with their mothers at a young age will allow a close bond. This will make the communication between parent and child easier especially during the middle school and high school years. The attention and moral values the child receive will help to guide the child in a positive direction as they get older.6
The effects of maternal employment on children have negative action and positive action. Hence there is a need to study the difference in psychosocial problems of children of working and non-working mothers. This will help the working mothers to improve the care given towards their children. This will also help them to concentrate on their emotional and behavioral characteristics. This intern reflects their personality.7
A comparative study to assess the emotional problems among children of working mothers and nonworking mothers studying in selected schools of Mehsana district.
1. To assess the emotional problems of children of working mothers
2. To assess the emotional problems of children of non – working mothers
3. To compare the emotional problems between the children of working mothers and non- working mothers.
4. To find the association between emotional problems among children of working mothers and non-working mothers and their selected demographic variables
H0 - There will be a no significant difference between the emotional problems of children of working mothers and non-working mothers.
H1 - There will be a significant difference between the emotional problems among children of working mothers and non-working mothers.
1. The psychosocial problems may have more in children of working mothers.
2. The psychosocial problems will be comparatively may have less in children of nonworking mothers.
3. There will be some difference in the occurrence of emotional problems in children of Working and non- working mother.
Quantitative research approach was adopted for this study. The descriptive comparative design was used to assess the emotional problems of children of working mothers and non working mothers. The study was conducted in 5 selected schools of mehsana district. 30 children of working mother and 30 children of non working mothers were selected by no probability convenient sampling technique who fulfill the inclusion criteria. Self structured 5-point likert scale formulated to identify emotional problems of children of working and non working mothers.
Majority 46.6% children of working mothers from the age group of 11-12 years whereas highest 50% of children of non working mothers from the age group of 9-10 years. Majority 60% children of working mothers were male and 53.3% children of non working mothers were also from male category. Highest 50% of children of working mothers were doing private job. Majority of the children of working mothers had high income source than the non working mothers. 53.3% children of working mothers were living in the joint family. Highest 50% children of non working mothers were having secondary education. 40% children from working mothers had one sibling and 33.3% of children of non working mothers had one sibling.
Assessment of emotional problem of children of working mothers and non working mothers Self structured likert scale utilized to identify the emotional problem of children of working mothers and non working mothers. Statistical analysis revealed that mean % of children of working mothers was 10.3% significantly higher than the non working mothers score 6.8% thus the assumption stated right. There was significant association between demographic variables, type of family, no of sibling with emotional problems of children of working mothers as the calculated value was higher than tabulated value at 0.005 level of significant. There was significant association of demographic variables monthly income, education status of mother, number of siblings in the family with emotional problems of children of non working mothers as calculated Value was higher than tabulated value at 0.05 level of significance.
Thus it is concluded that the emotional problems are more exciting in the children of working mothers than the children of non working mothers.
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2. Kelley.J. Khelleher et. al. Increasing identification of psychosocial problem. The American Academy of Paediatrics. 2006; 105.
3. Sailaxmi Gandhi Reddemmak. Concentration enhancement for hyperactive children. Nightmgale Nursing Times. 2005:34
4. American Academy of Paediatrics. Periodic survey of Fellows, Division of child health Research. 2004.
5. Gururaj G, Gurish N. Prevalence of behavioural problems in children of Karnataka. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2007; 74(2): 1095-8.
6. Sheema Mushtaq and Nilofer Khan. Maternal work and its impact on cognition and personality of children. 2013
7. J.E. Merlin Sasikala. Personal and social adjustment of adolescent in relation to the employment status of their mothers. 2013
8. Shueh-Yi Lian and Cai Lian Tam. Work Stress, Coping Strategies and Resilience: A Study Among Working Females. 2014.
Received on 18.06.2024 Revised on 16.07.2024 Accepted on 07.08.2024 Published on 28.11.2024 Available online on December 31, 2024 A and V Pub J. of Nursing and Medical Res. 2024;3(4):133-135. DOI: 10.52711/jnmr.2024.30 ©A and V Publications All right reserved