Subliminal Therapy


Sudha. R

Associate Professor M.Sc. Nursing, Department of Psychiatric Nursing,

Sacred Heart college of Nursing, Dindigul - 624307, Tamil Nadu, India.

*Corresponding Author E-mail: sudha21784 @



Subliminal is one of the therapies used in some psychiatric settings. It will alter the consciousness of the person either directly or indirectly. It helps to motivate and decision making of the person.  If played too long or too loudly they can develop the dizziness, nausea, Infection and may have negative impacts on the subconscious mind.


KEYWORDS: Subliminal, Self-esteem, Decision Making, Attitudes, Absorbable Behavior.




In psychiatric setting we use so of therapies to modify the behavior and handle the predicament emotions, thoughts and behaviors. Subliminal is one of the hypnotic therapies used for treating the psychiatric patients in various settings.


Subliminal Therapy:

A sub branch of hypnotic therapy is that is not well known by the people. It is a highly efficient, hypnotic technique of psychotherapy that utilizes subconscious abilities of any person to achieve consciously desired change by the psycho therapist to enable the understanding of the person.


This technique is not directly perceived by consciousness but directly or indirectly it is perceived in the subconscious state designed to influence attitudes, thoughts, or behaviors without consciousness of the person.


Boon of This Therapy:

It is can alter a person's current mood, boost their motivation, alter their political approach and even influence people's decision making, like what they have to do and whom they have to like etc.


The therapist uses this technique to bring the desired behavioral changes like abandon smoking, exercise frequently, improve their self-esteem, and even to reduce weight of their patients.


By presuming that paying attention to this therapy will influence the decision making of the person and his surroundings. The person unknowingly changes the way he or she act. This is mainly due to the conscious mind, it thinks, it comprehends and it processes data differently than the subconscious mind does.



This therapy if played for too long or too loudly, it is possible to experience:

·       Headaches

·       Dizziness, Or

·       Nausea.

·       Infection.


If not scripted properly, it may produce unexpected, unwanted or unintended results to the persons.


Certain subliminal stimuli may have negative impacts on the subconscious mind.


Some research studies have proven that long term use of this therapy can affect judgments and attitudes and also affect absorbable or measurable behavior of the persons.

In India There are no strict laws for subliminal advertising or to restrict such practice. But in western countries they strictly banned this therapy.












Received on 14.06.2024         Revised on 29.07.2024

Accepted on 04.09.2024         Published on 28.11.2024

Available online on December 31, 2024

A and V Pub J. of Nursing and Medical Res. 2024;3(4):156-157.

DOI: 10.52711/jnmr.2024.37

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