A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Preoperative Teaching Programme on knowledge regarding Post Operative Exercises for the Prevention of complications among patients undergoing Abdominal surgeries in selected Hospital, at Ahemdabad


Bhumi Bahen Katara*, Suneesh P. M., Jeenath Justin Doss K.

Shri Anand Institute of Nursing, Opp. Ghanteshwar Park, B/H Sainik Society,

Jamnagar Road, Rajkot - 360006, Gujarat, India.

*Corresponding Author E-mail: bhmkatara@gmail.com



Descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized for the data analysis. After analysing the data major findings of the study were as follows: In aspects of age, in group majority 16(40%) were from 41 to 50 years whereas majority 13(32.5%) were from below 40 years., In terms of gender, both male and female were majority 21[52.5%] were males and 19[47.5%] were females. In terms of religion, majority 30[75%] belonged to Hindu Religion 7[17.5%] belonged to Muslim Religion and 3[7.5%] belonged to Christian Religion. IN terms of educational status, majority 18(45%) had higher secondary education and 13(32.5%) were Degree holders. In terms of occupational status, majority13 (32.5%) were from Skill sector and 12(30%) of Privet Sector. In aspects of Family income, majority 17(42.5%) had income ranged from 10000/- to 20000/- and 13(17.5%) had income ranged above 20000/-. In aspects of residential status, 24(60%) was from rural area and 16(40%) from urban region. In terms of dietary pattern, 27(67.5%) consumed mixed diet whereas in 13(32.5%) were having vegetarian diet. In terms of personal habits, 16(40%) had no habits and 9 (22.5%) had the habit of eating beetle nut whereas 5(12.5%) had the habit alcohol consumption.


KEYWORDS: Effectiveness, Preoperative, Abdominal, Ahemdabad, Hospital




A disease is an abnormal affecting body of an organism. It is often considered to be a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs. It may be caused by external factors, such as infectious disease, or it may be caused by internal dysfunctions, such as autoimmune diseases.1



Globally, a staggering 310 million major surgeries are performed each year: around 40 to 50 million in USA and 20 million in Europe. (2020)


Harrison (2019) reported that over 2, 60,000 hospital admissions are undergoing surgery. In meta-analysis of epidemiological studies of India, it was reported that about 75% to 90% of patients were affected by post-operative complications after abdominal surgeries (Lane, 2019)2.



Greta (2019) reported that the incidence of post-operative complication was 50% among men, while incidence rate was 28% among women. Significant pulmonary complications have been estimated to 40% to 75% of patients following abdominal surgery. Atelectasis is the most frequent pulmonary complications during first 48 hours after surgery (Nirkham, 2019)3.


Costa (2018) stated that respiratory coordination exercise associated to trunk and limb movements and muscle relaxation increased the respiratory muscle strength and amplitude of abdominal movement in obese patients. Post-operative pulmonary complications are a major problem after upper abdominal surgery. They lead to a prolonged hospital stay as well as increased costs and are one of the main causes of early postoperative morbidity and mortality (Stephen, et.al., 2018).1


Gail (2018) found that pre-operative teaching and post-operative exercises together can help the patients to prevent lethal physiological effects of anesthesia, and reduces the post- operative complications like pneumonia, and other circulatory problems.2


During investigators clinical experience in surgical wards, found pre-operative teaching regarding post-operative exercise was not given more importance in nursing care, many patients developed post-operative complications which motivated the researcher too do a study on effectiveness of pre-operative teaching on post-operative exercise to prevent selected postoperative complications among abdominal surgery patients.2


A total of 3646 surgeries were estimated annually to meet the surgical needs of Indian population as compared to the global estimate of 5000 surgeries per 100,000 people. Caesarean section, cataract, surgeries for fractures and hernia are the major contributors to the surgical needs.3


The rate of postoperative complications was 33.5% in the total cohort, and 44% in high-risk patients. The most common complication was delirium, which occurred in 12.8% of patients. For patients without high risk (ASA < III; RCRI <3) in-hospital, 30-, 90-day and 1-year mortality were 2%, 5%, 12.7% and 26.0%. (2021).4


Agnes (2019) found that the highest incidence of post-operative complications was between 1d and 3 days after the surgery. However, specific complications occur in the following distinct temporal patterns: early post-operative, several days after the operation, throughout the post-operative period and in the late post-operative period.5




·       To assess the level of knowledge regarding post operative exercises for the prevention of complication.

·       To evaluate the effectiveness of PTP on knowledge regarding post operative exercises for the prevention of complications among patients undergoing abdominal surgeries.

·       To find out the association between selected demographic variables and Pretest level of knowledge regarding the prevention of complications among patients undergoing abdominal surgeries.



H1:   The mean post test knowledge scores of patients receiving PTP will be significantly higher than the mean pretest knowledge scores.

H2:   There will be significant the association between selected demographic variables and Pretest level of knowledge regarding the prevention of complications among patients undergoing abdominal surgeries.



Research Approach: The research approach is Quantitative research approach.


Research Design: Pre experimental: one group pretest – post-test design


Setting of the study: Setting is the physical location and condition in which data collection takes place.


The study was conducted in selected Hospital at Ahmadabad.


Research variables:

·       Dependent variable: Knowledge regarding Post operative exercises for the prevention of complications.

·       Independent variable: Preoperative teaching programme on knowledge regarding Post operative exercises for the prevention of complications.



Target population: Patients undergoing surgeries in selected hospital.


Accessible population: Patients undergoing abdominal surgeries in selected hospital.


Sample: The sample size of the study comprised of 40.


Sample size: The sample size including for the study consists of 40 samples.


Description of Tool: It consists of following section:

Section A:

Consists of demographic variables of clients with such as age, gender, educational status, occupation, family monthly income, dietary pattern, and source of information.


Section B:

Section B consists of knowledge items to assess the knowledge of patients regarding knowledge on post operative exercises and each correct response carries 1 score and wrong response carries 0 score.



Pretest 15(37.5%) participants were having Inadequate knowledge, 25(62.5%) participants were having moderate knowledge, 0(00%) participants were having Adequate knowledge. Post test result shows that majority of participant 30(75%) were having Adequate knowledge, 10(25%) were having moderate knowledge and 0(00%) participants were having Inadequate knowledge.


The effectiveness of planned teaching programme to increase level of knowledge among mothers of toddlers, the obtained t-test for the level of knowledge calculated t-value was (-19.50) and tabulated t-value was 2.02. Thus, shows very highly significant at p<0.05 level. Regarding the association between the level of knowledge with their selected demographic variables such as Age, Income, Occupation, Religion, Residency, Education and Types of family. Age, Residency and Education was significant and rest of all the variables are not significant association found. The study shows that the calculated chi-square value is more than the tabulated value at level of 0.05 level for thus demographic variables, which shows there is significant association between effectiveness of planned teaching programme and selected demographic variables.



·       The majority of 15(37.5%) sample ‘s age is between 15-35years.

·       The majority of 22(55.33%) samples are male.

·       The majority of 25(62%) samples are Hindu.

·       The majority of 18(45%) samples are having previous knowledge regarding Prevention of recurrence of post of surgery exercise.

·       The majority of 14(46.67%) samples are from other occupation.



The main conclusion from this present study is that most of the patients had inadequate and moderate level of knowledge in pretest and they improved to moderate and adequate level of knowledge in post-test. This shows the imperative need to understand the purpose of the Information booklet regarding improving the knowledge about prevention of recurrence post of surgery exercise among with abdomen surgery patients.



1.      Smeltzer, C.Suzzare. Text book of Medical-Surgical Nursing, Philadelphia, Lippincott Company, 2003, pp1530.

2.      Black.M.Joyce and Hawks Hokanson Jame, Medical- Surgical Nursing, Philadelphia, W.B.Saunder’s Company, 2003, pp1423-1425.

3.      Dr. Pinjala, A Clinical Problem-DVT, Nikhila publishers, I edition, 1990.

4.      Park.J.E, Text book of Preventive and Medicine, Jabalpur: Bharat Publication, 2000, pp137-138.

5.      B.T. Basavanthappa, Medical Surgical Nursing;2nd Edition, 2012, Published by Jaypee Brothers.




Received on 07.05.2024         Modified on 12.06.2024

Accepted on 05.07.2024       ©A&V Publications All right reserved

A and V Pub J. of Nursing and Medical Res. 2024; 3(3):93-95.

DOI: 10.52711/jnmr.2024.21