A study to compare Video Assisted Teaching (VAT) v/s demonstration method on BLS in terms of knowledge and practice among nursing students in a selected College of Nursing, Ludhiana, Punjab
Keshni1, Akashdeep Kaur2, Amandeep Kaur2, Ashdeep Kaur2,
Bhawandeep Singh2, Harman Kaur2
1Associate Professor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing,
Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha College of Nursing, Sarabha, Ludhiana, Punjab.
2Shaheed Kartar Singh Sarabha College of Nursing, Sarabha, Ludhiana, Punjab.
*Corresponding Author E-mail: keshni0007@yahoo.com
A study was conducted to compare video assisted teaching (VAT) v/s demonstration method on BLS in terms of knowledge and practice among nursing students in a selected College of Nursing, Ludhiana, Punjab. An Quantitative research approach and true experimental research design was used on 60 students of S.K.S.S College of Nursing Sarabha, Ludhiana, Punjab. Data was collected by using self-structured questionnaire to assess knowledge and self-structured practice checklist to assess practice among nursing students. The results showed that level of knowledge and practice were found higher in the group who had received demonstration as compared to the group who had received video assisted teaching (VAT).
KEYWORDS: Practice, Knowledge, Nursing Students.
Cardiac diseases are leading cause of death for men and women all over the India. Sudden cardiac death is a major international public health problem accounting for an estimated 15-20% of all deaths. Despite the overall diseases in cardiovascular mortality, BLS is life-saving procedure and it helps in restoring the normal pumping action of the heart. It is believed that video assisted teaching and hands on skill demonstration methods are better for training nursing students. Every nurse and physician should be skilled in CPR because cardiac arrest is the sudden cessation of breathing, circulation of blood by the heart, may occur at any time or in any setting.1
BLS is a rescue procedure to be used when someone suddenly suffer cardiac arrest or when heart or lung have stopped working, there is a wide variation in the reported incidence and outcome for out of hospital cardiac arrest. These differences are due to definitions and ascertainments of cardiac arrest as well as differences in treatments after its onset.
Within India, the rates of cardiovascular diseases vary markedly with highest in states of Kerala, Punjab and Tamil Nadu.2 Numerous investigations have reported the problems of poor skills in BLS and CPR among medical personnel’s. Studies reporting the need for improvement of resuscitation techniques lead to the recent changes in BLS algorithms.
Research has shown that it is necessary to update BLS training periodically and also implement more effective education methods to upgrade knowledge and practical skills regarding BLS.
In the light of above, it is found that it is desirable to assess the knowledge and skill in BLS techniques among degree students and also to update the knowledge and improvement in skill. The way to learn CPR is to practice CPR. Educating the students and creating awareness in helping them to learn more about CPR and it help to decrease death rate due to cardiac arrest.
1. To assess the pre-test knowledge and practice on BLS among nursing students in both groups.
2. To plan and implement demonstration in group 1 and VAT method on BLS among nursing students in group 2.
3. To assess and compare pre-test and post-test knowledge and practice among nursing students in both groups.
4. To determine the association between knowledge and practice post-test scores with selected socio-demographic variables among nursing students.
5. To develop IEC material in the form of poster regarding BLS as per AHA guidelines 2020.
True experimental (randomized Pre-Post-test control group) design was used to collect required and necessary information for comparing video assisting teaching (VAT) v/s demonstration method on BLS in terms of knowledge and practice among nursing students of selective college of nursing, Ludhiana, Punjab.
The present study was conducted in SKSS College of Nursing, Sarabha, Ludhiana, Punjab. Criteria for selecting the setting was availability of subjects, feasibility of conducting the study, easy access, expected co-operators, administrative approval for conducting the study.
A quantitative research approach and true experimental research design was used to conduct present study. Disproportionate stratified random sampling technique was used to select 60 nursing students. Responses were collected using self-structured questionnaire (to assess level of knowledge) and self-structured practice checkist (to assess level of practice) among selected nursing students. Data was tabulated and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics.
The present study revealed that in experimental group, majority of the nursing students were in the age group of 20-22, majority of the students were female, 80% belongs to Sikh family, 86.7% were in B.Sc.(N) 3rd year, 66.7% had not practical exposure, 66.7% had not practical knowledge, maximum of students had previous knowledge, more than half of students had source of information from books. In control group, majority of the nursing students were in the age group of 18-20, 76.7% were female, more than half of the students belongs to Sikh family, 83.3% were in B.Sc.(N) 2ndyear, 73.3% had practical exposure, 30% of the students had only witnessed and 30% of students had only performed in practical knowledge, maximum of students had previous knowledge, half of students had source of information from books. The pre-test was obtained for both variables i.e. knowledge and practice. In pre-test, before the administration of demonstration, the level of knowledge was average (63.3%) and level of practice was inaccurate (100%) but in post-test, after the administration of demonstration, level of knowledge was good (76.7%) and level of practice was inaccurate (100%). In pre-test, before the administration of video assisted teaching (VAT), level of knowledge was average (70%) and level of practice was inaccurate (100%) but after the administration of video assisted teaching (VAT), level of knowledge was average (63.3%) and level of practice was inaccurate (100%). It was observed that level of knowledge and practice were found higher in the group who had received demonstration as compared to the group who had received video assisted teaching (VAT).
The findings of the study raised many questions to be answered. Thus, following recommendations are made on the basis of findings of the present study.
· Similar study can be conducted among different subjects to improve knowledge and practice regarding BLS among nursing students.
· An experimental study can be conducted to assess the effectiveness of demonstration method on a large sample size to validate and generalize its findings.
· An experimental study can be conducted to improve knowledge and practice regarding updated BLS algorithm.
· A study can be conduct for retraining of BLS skills regarding BLS algorithm among Nursing students.
1. Anbu. Epsi, J.[Internet]2015. Available from: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://repositorytnmgrmu.ac.in/337/1/3001320anbuepsij.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiY9vebyoz7AhX2SWwGHXy2BLQQFnoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw23nxOA8wX8XBxDk_JpGCHN
2. Kumar A.S, Sinha N, cardiovascular disease in india. Medical journal armed forces india:MJAFI,2020;76(1):1-3 Available from: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.n bi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6994761/&ved=2ahUKEwjdxLf71o77AhUucWwGHZstBHwQFnoECAQQ
Received on 11.11.2022 Modified on 14.12.2022
Accepted on 10.01.2023 ©A&V Publications All right reserved
A and V Pub J. of Nursing and Medical Res. 2023; 2(1):7-8.
DOI: 10.52711/jnmr.2023.03